About Our Service

We are an award-winning UKAS accredited Catering Services that provide patients, staff and visitors with a nutritionally balanced menu and menus that are designed to meet the diverse needs of all of our users.

From our Central Production Unit (CPU) based at Darlington Memorial Hospital, we provide over 1.3 million meals per year that are served at the following sites in the Trust:

This high-quality service is based on the ability, training, and commitment of our staff that are responsible for the provision of these services and the on-going clear commitment to ensure continuous improvement to the catering services that are provided.

This high-quality service is based on the ability, training and commitment of our staff that are responsible for the provision of these services and the on-going clear commitment to ensure continuous improvement to the catering services that are provided.

A man standing with his arms folded

‘We listen and react to our customers in order to be recognised by the Public, Patients, and other Trusts as an exemplar site for the provision of Catering Services’

Stuart Wray, Head of Facilities (Catering, Retail, and Food Safety)

The provision of Catering Services is based on eight service principles:

To meet and exceed patients and customers’ expectations

To deliver high quality services within the agreed financial framework

To involve patients and customers in shaping service delivery

To constantly seek to improve defined quality standards

To provide staff with effective and professional leadership

To improve efficiency in all areas of activities

To recognise and respect individuals contribution to the delivery of the services

To identify opportunities for staff growth and development to enable job enlargement and job enrichment

Key Facts

Key Contact Staff Details

Stuart Wray, Head of Facilities (Catering, Retail, and Food Safety)

01325 743070