Following the successful introduction of the Catering survey in Q2 2023/2024 at the University Hospital of North Durham (UHND), the SCL Contract and Performance team launched a series of surveys for each of SCL’s services at UHND.

We announced in the Trust’s December 2023 staff bulletin that a brief survey for each of the those services would be distributed to wards and departments on a monthly rotational basis to enable us to collect end-user feedback and suggestions.

The aim of our surveys is two-fold:

  1. 1

    To collect both quality and measurable feedback that will ultimately help our Service Leads monitor effectiveness and drive improvements across all areas, and

  2. 2

    To gather intelligence of which of our staff have impressed and why when providing service to our customers.

Our most recent results are published below – select an image to enlarge it.

2024/2025 Quarter 2 Results

To view our previous “You Said, We Did” reports, please click here.

SCL banner image with pictograms showing each service